Cabbage Soup Diet Fat Burner Drink

Cabbage Soup Diet Fat Burner Drink

"How I lose 10 pounds in 7 days with this cabbage soup diet AKA Military diet!"

Watch me make this cabbage soup from start to finish!

2020 update: Yes! I am still using this cabbage soup to give me a jump-start to weight loss. I HATE it! But I LOVE IT!  It's helps that the soup is delicious though!

I'm going to Disneyland next week and decided that I didn't want to take my muffin top with me, especially since I have this cute form-fitting shirt that I want to wear so bad…. WITHOUT SPANX!!

When I need to lose my gut or 10 pounds quickly I turn to three diets that never let me down; my green monster smoothie diet, The 10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse and my newest love, the 7-day cabbage soup diet!!

wonder soup recipe weight loss soup recipe cabbage soup diet

Here's Why I Adore The Cabbage Soup Diet:

  • It works!! It's not science. Cut your calories, unhealthy sugar, starches, for a period of time while drinking lots of water and you'll lose weight quickly.
  • It's quick!! By the morning of my 8th day, the scale is always 7-10 lbs lighter.  My clothes fit differently, and my usually bloated gut is flat. I love it!!!
  • I cheat!! I've discovered that I can cheat a bit on this diet. I've snuck a muffin in a few times. BEST. MUFFIN.EVER!! I've also used some condiments to spice things up.
  • Great for pre-diets!  This diet is GREAT for the start of a real diet/eating plan. You know, one where you eat a variety of healthy foods and a decent balance of calories. Sometimes you just need a jumpstart, a cleanse, a boost of confidence on the scale. This diet does it!

Side Note: If you're interested in trying the green monster smoothie, to see how I prep my smoothies!

green monster smoothie

I know some people HATE these types of quick diets, but I love them! They work well for me, and the weight stays off as long as I eat a balanced post-diet. If you jump back to eating harmful sugars and carbs right away, you're going to gain the weight back quickly.

Pace yourself. I mainly use this diet for quick weight loss for an event, the week before Thanksgiving, or jump-start my spring dieting before swimsuit season.

As always, consult a doc before cutting your calories like this!

What is the 7-Day Cabbage Soup Diet ??

OK, so let's talk about the 7-day cabbage soup diet! It's an old diet that has been around for YEARS and revised over and over again. You are likely to find several different versions online. It's a short-term, weight loss eating plan that involves, you guessed it, LOTS OF CABBAGE SOUP!

No worries, my jazzed-up version of the cabbage soup is delicious! Lately, these 7-day diets have become really popular. Even Dr. Oz has one. I first read about it on a blog I stumbled upon and thought I'd give it a try. I didn't expect much, though. Now I'm hooked!

wonder soup recipe weight loss soup recipe cabbage soup diet

I NEVER thought I'd like this cabbage soup, but it's so good!

What Else Can You Eat On The Cabbage Soup Diet?

That was my question as well!! I'm a greedy girl, and I need FOOD!!!! You can have unlimited cabbage soup (Thank GOD!!) and certain foods per day on the cabbage soup diet. Those "certain foods" are listed below.

How Much Weight Can You Lose On The Cabbage Soup Diet?

On the cabbage soup diet, most people lose between 5-10 pounds. For me, it's usually in the 7-10 pound range. Everyone is different though, just read the comments below, and you'll see!

How Do You Do The 7 -Day Cabbage Soup Diet?

On the 7- day cabbage soup diet, you follow a specific eating plan every day. Along with eating these foods, you can have cabbage soup as often as you'd like. This soup is also called wonder soup, weight loss soup, miracle soup, and weight watcher soup. So many names for this soup!

This unlimited soup rule is what drew me to the 7-day cabbage soup diet. I love that I can eat this soup in unlimited quantities. I HATE being hungry, and I will not stick to any diet if I'm hungry. Point. Blank. Period. Don't forget you MUST drink eight glasses of water each day. My results vary if I slack on water.

The Cabbage Soup Recipe ( Wonder Soup)

Now about this weight loss Cabbage Soup (Wonder Soup), most websites featuring this diet says you should boil the vegetables in water, uh…no ma'am!! I've always used chicken broth or vegetable broth with seasoned canned tomatoes, which has never hindered my weight loss. Just try to use the low-sodium versions if possible (I don't. I'm a rule breaker.)

Let me just say, there is NO WAY I would be eating this soup every day if I made it with water. Yuck! Throughout the diet, I also use salt (very lightly), pepper, lots of herbs & seasonings, olive oil, and a tad of butter on potato day. I also add 0-5 calorie flavorings to my water to make sure I get in all my water if needed. These changes have never affected my results.

7-Day Cabbage Soup Diet Eating Chart

 (Don't forget to drink your water daily and eat your cabbage soup as much as you'd like!)

7-day diet cabbage soup diet recipe

My  7-Day Diet Cabbage Soup Diet Journal & Meal Suggestions

(Update: I now add detox tea with a squirt of fresh lemon to my mornings. WOW is all I can say! Try it! I use Total Tea  but any detox tea will work)

Day 1- Eat nothing but fruit today (except for bananas) and as much of the diet cabbage soup as you'd like. You should try to stick with fruits with lower sugar content like apples, blueberries, etc. I enjoy eating baked cinnamon apples (using gala or Honey crisp apples) in the morning, a large fruit salad and cabbage soup for lunch, cabbage soup, and a melon salad for dinner. Get your crunchy fix with dried fruits—snack on fruit throughout the day. Frozen pineapples and frozen grapes make delicious treats. Also, frozen watermelon blended makes a refreshing, natural slushy. Today wasn't as bad as I'd expected.

Day 2-  Eat nothing but vegetables (except corn or other starchy veggies). However, you do get to start the day with a baked potato (russet or sweet). You will LOVE having this baked potato trust me! I never thought I'd be so happy to eat a baked potato in the morning! I prefer sweet potatoes. I dice my sweet potato into cubes for breakfast, sprinkled with a little olive oil and cinnamon, and roast it in the oven along with some bell peppers and onions. I do the cabbage soup for lunch and a salad sprinkled with salt, pepper, and olive oil. It's pretty good. I do rice cauliflower topped with a stir fry of zucchini, roasted carrots, and bell peppers with light soy sauce (cheating) for dinner. I snack on baked spinach chips. Today was ok.

Day 3-   Today, you eat fruits AND veggies (except bananas, corn, and other starchy vegetables). You also don't get a potato today, which sucks! I just do a repeat of day one and two for my foods.

Day 4- Today, you eat only bananas and milk/yogurt. This day is the DUMBEST day by far. I hate it. You can just have bananas and milk or unsweetened yogurt. Boooooo, but let's make the best of it! For breakfast, I do a banana smoothie made with bananas, almond milk, and Greek yogurt. I eat cabbage soup for lunch. For dinner, I do another large banana smoothie and more cabbage soup. I make banana ice cream by freezing banana slices and then blending them. I also eat some dried banana chips. It's not that difficult of a day, very dull, and if you hate bananas, I feel sorry for you, hun.

Day 5-   Today, eat only tomatoes (6-8) and protein like fish, turkey, and chicken. I had no problems with this day since I love meat and was happy to get it! I made turkey sausage patties for breakfast topped with tomatoes. I had grilled chicken topped with tomatoes seasoned with salt, basil, pepper, and cabbage soup for lunch. I had more wonder soup for dinner, but I added turkey breakfast sausage to it and more tomatoes. Very filling. I got tired of the soup on this day. Ugh!!

Day 6-   Today, it's protein and veggies- Unlike yesterday, you can have other vegetables besides tomatoes. I had turkey sausage and roasted veggies for breakfast. I had a stir-fry with chicken and veggies for lunch, so good. I had spaghetti squash with tomato sauce and ground turkey for dinner. Spaghetti squash is off-limits (starchy), but I had to have it! Today was the best! I didn't have any cabbage soup today because I was feeling over cabbage.

Day 7- Today, it's just fruits, vegetables, and juices. Booo!!!!! I hated today. I wanted more meat. Thank God it's the last day. The scale says I'm 7 pounds lighter this morning, so that was great to see. I feel clean inside. I'm hungry today, though, super hungry! I make a huge fruit and veggie smoothie using spinach, apples, oranges, grapes, and water for breakfast. It was so divine and sweet! Kept me full until it was time for lunch! For lunch, I do a large salad, cabbage soup, and watermelon slushy. For dinner, I do another riced cauliflower stir fry with roasted veggies. I snack on baked cinnamon apples and cantaloupe.

Day 8-  10lbs down this morning, and I can see it!! Tummy is nice and flat, my face looks much slimmer, and my husband notices my weight loss. He's not happy that my booty looks smaller. Neither am I! My fingers are thinner, and my wedding ring fits differently. Today I paced myself with food and will do so for the next week while on vacation: no sugary foods or bad carbs. I continue with a diet full of fruits, veggies, and lean meats. I've incorporated eggs, oatmeal, and whole-grain pasta. Honey and stevia make an excellent sweetener. My calorie intake is now at it's recommended level for a healthy weight-loss w/ exercise. I FEEL GREAT!!

Don't Mess Up Your Beautiful Results!!!

Here are some of my favorite delicious and healthy snack recipes!

Italian Herb Baked Spinach Chips recipe

Italian Herb Baked Spinach Chips recipe

Healthy Ice-cream Sandwich Recipe (Strawberry Banana)

Healthy no-bake granola energy bites recipe. (Peanut-butter and chocolate)

No-Bake Energy Bites! Healthy Peanut Butter Chocolate Granola Snacks


 7-Day Cabbage Soup Diet FAQ'S

(Always talk to your doctor BEFORE starting a low-calorie diet such as this)

Here are a few frequently asked questions about the 7-day cabbage soup diet

I don't eat what's recommended. Can I substitute it with other foods?  I don't know because I've only replaced the water in the cabbage soup for chicken broth. Other than that, I follow the plan with a few cheats here and there. : ) There's only one way to find out, try it and see!! And be sure to come back and let us all know how it worked out!

Can you drink coffee on the cabbage soup diet?  You're only supposed to drink water, black coffee, or unsweetened herbal tea. I cheated with a tiny bit of coffee with cream a few times to avoid a headache.

I loved my results. Can I do this beyond seven days?  It's not recommended. Your body will start to hold on to weight if you cut it's calories too much for an extended period. You'll have better weight loss results if you complete this diet and then start on a balanced, healthy diet for your size while eliminating bad carbs and refined sugars.

Can I exercise on the cabbage soup diet?  Not recommended. Your calories are minimal on the cabbage soup diet. Do not work out for the seven days while on this plan or a few days afterward. Contact your doctor before and after starting this diet if you need help figuring out the best plan for you.

I feel so tired of this diet, help!  This diet may not be for you, especially if your days are high energy. The cabbage soup diet has low calories. Eat as much cabbage soup as you would like to keep your stamina up and drink plenty of water. If I start to feel sluggish, I cheat and have a baked sweet potato, a protein shake, or some juice.

I gained all my weight back shortly after completing this diet?  7-day diets work to eliminate mainly water weight, which is why the results are so quick. Be sure to continue drinking lots of water after the diet. If you stop with the water intake, your body will start to hold on to fluids again.

Pace yourself after the diet and eat small, frequent portions of fruits, veggies, and proteins: no refined sugars and bad carbs. Don't stuff yourself either. Start with a balanced eating plan or lifestyle that will support average weight loss along with exercise. 7-day diets are mainly useful for cleanses, quick water weight loss, and pre-diet boost.

7-Day Diet Weight Loss Soup (Wonder Soup)

Delicious cabbage soup recipe for the wonder soup diet plan. Full of vegetable and proven to help you lose weight.

Course Soup

Cuisine American

Keyword cabbage, cabbage soup, detox, diet soup, easy, fat burning, fresh, low calorie, onions, soup, vegetables

Prep Time 10 minutes

Cook Time 30 minutes

Total Time 40 minutes

Servings 8 servings

  • 1/2 head of cabbage chopped
  • 1 cup celery diced
  • 1 cup white or yellow onion diced
  • 1 cup carrots diced
  • 1 green bell pepper diced
  • 2-3 cloves garlic minced
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 14 oz can basil oregano, garlic diced tomatoes
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes
  • few shakes of black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt optional
  • Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large pot over medium heat.

  • Add celery, onions, bell peppers, and carrots.

  • Saute until slightly tender.

  • Stir in garlic and cook until fragrant.

  • Pour in chicken broth.

  • Stir in tomatoes and cabbage.

  • Bring to a boil and then reduce heat to a simmer.

  • Cook until cabbage is tender.

  • Stir in oregano, basil, red pepper flakes, black pepper and salt (if using)

  • Taste broth and adjust seasoning if needed.

  • Serve and enjoy!

Jazz it up by adding lots of spices, herbs and a variety of veggies.
This makes enough for about 3 days.
Keeps well in the fridge for about 3 day.

Wanna Check Out More Diets & Cleanses I've Tried & Reviewed

10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse Review

10-day green smoothie cleanse

Green Smoothie Diet

Sweet Green Monster Smoothie Recipe

Sweet Apple Cider Vinegar Detox Drink

Sweet apple cider detox drink


Looking for delicious healthy recipes? Check out my full collection here!

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Cabbage Soup Diet Fat Burner Drink



Pottery Barn Dining Chair Cushions

Pottery Barn Dining Chair Cushions

Season after season, we urge ourselves to give our homes a refresh. It's only natural—in the summertime, we want to see our spaces filled with breezy linens, cheerful stripes, and low-maintenance grass cloth. But come fall, we often crave deep, moody tones, low lighting, and richer fabrics. In essence, we want our homes to reflect how the outside world makes us feel.

Few people understand this better than Monica Bhargava, Pottery Barn's Executive Vice President of Product Development and Design. In her own home, she focused on creating the right layers to be able to easily switch the mood seasonally and update as her heart desires—and that's without spending a ton! Her secret? Finding the right basics that are both functional and timeless to be able to layer other elements according to the seasons.

Meet the Expert

Monica Bhargava is the Executive Vice President of Product Development for Pottery Barn and Williams-Sonoma brands, where she is responsible for creating new and trendy product lines. She is the go-to expert for up-and-coming home design.

Her approach is certainly far from the minimalist trends we've witnessed recently, but it could very well speak to the pendulum swing toward a more maximalist approach to design—and it's in sync with the brand's new fall collection. Is Bhargava making the case for a new wave of traditionalism? Find out her top tips for achieving ultimate comfort at home.

Learn To Layer

Design: Meaghan Shanley, Photo: Anna Mathias

"Fall is a season all about layering," says Bhargava. "When I think about layering, I think certain words like tonality, color, and texture—and I think about building a lifestyle in a room in terms of layers. And it's not just about color—for instance, I can think of six different ways to layer a white bed, whether it's white to ivory tones, or whites to grays, or grays to ivories. In our fall collection, we've taken the blush trend and mixed it with a slightly more saturated yet muted deep plum—and you can see how those colors really layer, especially when they're on a neutral flaxseed linen foundation or a neutral leather foundation." In other words, choose a minimal color palette and adorn your home with lots of textures for ultimate comfort.

Faye Textured Linen Pillow Cover

Pottery Barn Faye Textured Linen Pillow Cover $50


Create a Drop-Down Zone

Pottery Barn

"Your entryway is your first point of contact when people come in and when you come into your home," Bhargava notes. "I love coming home to one moment that connects me to my home. Some homes are very lucky to have mudrooms, but other homes have small entryways like mine. In that case, I always think it's important to have one small piece—whether it is a small cabinet or a cart—that can hold your keys or your mail, a place to drop off. You need like a row of hooks to hang your coats. I also love having either a small chair or a leather cube to sit down and put your shoes on. When you have the luxury of a bigger entryway, it's nice to have a round table or a table layered with a stool with a stack of books or fresh flowers. I think an entryway has to be beautiful, but it also has to be functional."

Think Comfort Above All

Katarzyna Bialasiewicz / Getty Images

"In my home, comfort is my star mantra because I think the biggest luxury in life is comfort," adds the Pottery Barn expert. "My home has to be a space where I can put my feet up, or I can cuddle with my daughter. So I've got throws everywhere and ottomans to put my feet up—whether it's an occasional chair with an ottoman to go with it."

pillow sham

Pottery Barn Belgian Flax Linen Floral Stitch Sham $66


Find Multipurpose Pieces

Reagan Taylor Photography

"When you're starting out, pick pieces that have a little bit of emotion and soul, but that can also serve multiple purposes," says Bhargava. For instance, she suggests that a bar cart can be used as storage, as a serving piece, or as a nightstand. "Think of pieces in that way. Think about how versatile the pieces are, how they can be multipurpose. For smaller-scale spaces, we have our foldout tables that can work as a workspace or a dining table. It's those pieces that have a lot of emotion but can work in multiple ways in your home."

metal bar cart

Pottery Barn Preston Metal Cart $499


Don't Follow Trends

Pottery Barn

"Don't follow trends; follow your heart," advises Bhargava. "Don't worry about what people think about your home. Let your home be a reflection of who you are or how you use your room and how you use your house. Be passionate; be authentic; do it your way. That authenticity will always give you the most amount of pleasure. Your home is such an emotional space—in my house, I have beautiful pieces that I've collected from all over my travels, but I also have art from India where I grew up because it's important to me to feel a sense of history and space. Surround yourself with things that you love. Don't worry too much about trends—just follow your heart."

Invest in Hardworking Furniture

 Design: Decorist CEO Gretchen Hansen

When decorating for seasonality, the trick is to have the right timeless pieces to complement your smaller accents: "Invest in something that's hardworking, like your sofa or your dining table, your master-bedroom bed—because these pieces will stand the test of time," says Bhargava. "Or splurge on a leather sofa because leather ages beautifully and carries the patina beautifully, and it takes the wear and comfort, and the life pressed on it really well."

Benchwright Extending Dining Table in Seadrift

Pottery Barn Benchwright Extending Dining Table in Seadrift $1699


Play With Proportions

Design: Tiffany Brooks Interiors, Photo: Marcel Page Photography

"My friends and family always ask for decorating help—which I'm always happy to do because I love what I do—but they tend to buy complete matching suites, and I think they don't understand that it's okay to mix the traditional with the industrial," says Bhargava. "Have fun; make it your own expression. Getting all of your furniture and all your pieces in varying scales is really critical. Different proportions add character and interest. You may have a giant table or a table that folds to entertain a lot of people, but then do smaller occasional chairs in the family room space. I think it creates more interest. I think levels create more comfort because you can be much more creative, and it also gives you the space to bring in emotional pieces."

York Roll Arm Deep Seat Slipcovered Sofa

Pottery Barn York Roll Arm Deep Seat Slipcovered Sofa $1699


Pottery Barn Dining Chair Cushions



Black Bamboo Dining Chairs

Black Bamboo Dining Chairs

Paloma Velvet Chair Blue
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 52 cm  D 62 cm  H 89 cm.

Paloma Velvet Chair Teal
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 52 cm  D 62 cm  H 89 cm.

Ranger Velvet Chair Dusk Pink
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 46 cm  D 60 cm  H 87 cm.

Manhattan Dining Chair
£195.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 91 cm  W 47 cm  D 61.5 cm.

Oakley D Ladder Back Dining Chair (Cushion Seat)
£159.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 105 cm  W 44.5 cm  D 52 cm.

Oakley D Cross Back Dining Chair (Wooden Seat)
£175.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 105 cm  W 44.5 cm  D 52 cm.

Otto Grey Cross Back Dining Chair (Wooden Seat)
£165.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 97 cm  W 43 cm  D 50 cm.

Otto White Cross Back Dining Chair (Cushion Seat)
£149.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 97 cm  W 43 cm  D 50 cm.

Otto White Ladder Back Dining Chair (Wooden Seat)
£165.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 100 cm  W 41 cm  D 47 cm.

Toulouse Dining Chair
£179.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 105 cm  W 45 cm  D 55 cm.

Scandinavian Dining Chair
£165.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 96 cm  W 44 cm  D 52 cm.

Sigma Shadow Grey Dining Chair
£155.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 85.5 cm  W 56 cm  D 55.5 cm.

Aura Grey Dining Chair
£169.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 85 cm  W 47 cm  D 56 cm.

Sigma Grey Bar Stool
£199.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 99 cm  W 49 cm  D 52 cm.

Holkham Ladder Back Dining Chair Natural
£155.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 105 cm  W 44.5 cm  D 51.6 cm.

Holkham Ladder Back Dining Chair Grey
£155.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 105 cm  W 44.5 cm  D 51.6 cm.

Paloma Velvet Chair Charcoal
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 52 cm  D 62 cm  H 89 cm.

Ranger Velvet Chair Copper
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 46 cm  D 60 cm  H 87 cm.

Ranger Velvet Chair Forest Green
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 46 cm  D 60 cm  H 87 cm.

Oakley D Ladder Back Dining Chair (Wooden Seat)
£175.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 105 cm  W 44.5 cm  D 52 cm.

Otto Grey Ladder Back Dining Chair (Cushion Seat)
£165.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 100 cm  W 41 cm  D 47 cm.

Otto White Cross Back Dining Chair (Wooden Seat)
£165.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 97 cm  W 43 cm  D 50 cm.

Metro Grey Dining Chair
£129.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 85.5 cm  W 46 cm  D 55.5 cm.

Victoria Dining Chair (Fabric Seat)
£175.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 105 cm  W 41 cm  D 52 cm.

Rattan Dining Chair (Grey Wash)
£185.00 each, sold in pairs
includes tie-on cushion
Measurements: H 102 cm  W 45 cm  D 60 cm.

Sigma Saffron Dining Chair
£155.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 85.5 cm  W 56 cm  D 55.5 cm.

Sigma Mineral Blue Dining Chair
£155.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 85.5 cm  W 56 cm  D 55.5 cm.

Sigma Saffron Bar Stool
£199.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 99 cm  W 49 cm  D 52 cm.

Holkham Cross Back Dining Chair Natural
£155.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 105 cm  W 44.5 cm  D 51.6 cm.

Holkham All-Over Fabric Dining Chair Natural Check
£249.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 110 cm  W 50 cm  D 56 cm.
100% wool.

Paloma Velvet Chair Ruby
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 52 cm  D 62 cm  H 89 cm.

Ranger Velvet Chair Dark Grey
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 46 cm  D 60 cm  H 87 cm.

Ranger Velvet Chair Teal
£169.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: W 46 cm  D 60 cm  H 87 cm.

Oakley D Cross Back Dining Chair (Cushion Seat)
£159.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 105 cm  W 44.5 cm  D 52 cm.

Otto Grey Cross Back Dining Chair (Cushion Seat)
£165.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 97 cm  W 43 cm  D 50 cm.

Otto Grey Ladder Back Dining Chair (Wooden Seat)
£165.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 100 cm  W 41 cm  D 47 cm.

Otto White Ladder Back Dining Chair (Cushion Seat)
£165.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 100 cm  W 41 cm  D 47 cm.

Victoria Dining Chair (PU Seat)
£175.00 each, sold in pairs.
Measurements: H 105 cm  W 41 cm  D 52 cm.

Rattan Dining Chair (White Wash)
£185.00 each, sold in pairs
includes tie-on cushion
Measurements: H 102 cm  W 45 cm  D 60 cm.

Sigma Burnt Orange Dining Chair
£155.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 85.5 cm  W 56 cm  D 55.5 cm.

Aura Saffron Dining Chair
£169.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 85 cm  W 47 cm  D 56 cm.

Metro Grey Bar Stool
£129.00 each, sold in pairs
Measurements: H 102 cm  W 45 cm  D 50.5 cm.

Holkham Cross Back Dining Chair Grey
£155.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 105 cm  W 44.5 cm  D 51.6 cm.

Holkham All-Over Fabric Dining Chair Grey Check
£249.00 each, sold in pairs.

Measurements: H 110 cm  W 50 cm  D 56 cm.
100% wool.

Black Bamboo Dining Chairs



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